Pelican 3.4 released

By Pelican Contributors

In news.

Today we are pleased to announce the release of Pelican 3.4, which is one of the more significant updates Pelican has ever seen. Take a look at the changelog and the Pelican 3.4 milestone issues list to see all the features, fixes, and miscellaneous improvements that are included in this release.

Major highlights

Faster rebuild times

Thanks to a new caching mechanism and selective output writing, rebuilding a site can take just a few seconds. Tinkering with posts and themes is now even easier.

Fixed locale and encoding issues

Finally URLs can include, for example, localized month names.

Improved documentation, both in style and content

The documentation has been ported to the new ReadTheDocs theme, including a functional search bar and a navigation side panel. A quickstart section is now provided to jump-start your Pelican experience.

Support for multiple post authors

The new :authors: metadata field makes it possible to easily manage multi-user sites.

Upgrading from previous releases

While we do everything we can to maximize backwards compatibility and ensure smooth Pelican upgrades, it's possible that you may encounter un-anticipated wrinkles. If you run into problems, please reach out via the #pelican channel on IRC, and we will update this post with any upgrade tips contributed by the Pelican community.

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